Friday, 18 November 2011

Luke (2010)

The campaign "Luke", also know as "who will you leave behind", comprised of a 30 second television commercial showing a man talking about his late father who passed away from cancer resulting from smoking, and missed out on the birth of his grandson. The advertisment was part of the 2011 National Tobacco Campaign, commencing in May and ran parallel with "Cough".
The ad recieved strong recognition results, with 65% of smokers and 72% amognst recent quitters who where interviewed in the July survey. This was encourging to the National Tobacco Campaign as "Luke" recieved a lower rate of media coverage as other campaigns such as "Cough".

The survey showed that "Luke" performed strongly as being easy to understand, believable, making me stop and think and making me more likely to stay quit (recent quitters). These results where simular to "Cough" apart from being slightly less personally relevant. This may have been from the "new father" perspective that was adopted in the ad. Younger age groups may not relate as strongly, having not been in the situation personally. "Luke" didn't perform strongly next to "health benefits", being less relevant, less likely to have taught audiences something new and more likely to enduce feelings of discomfort. This further highlights the importance of having a contrasting positive toned ad, as was the case with "Health Benefits".

Paul Myers, David Blackmore, 2011, The Social Research Centre. 
Department of Health and Ageing: Evaluation of the 2011 NPAPH Tobacco Social Marketing Campaign Final Report, viewed 14th November 2011.

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